Thursday, September 30, 2010

Look At Me, Ma, I Can Fly Like A Bird! 9.30

Our second science unit focused on disciplinary understanding -- an understanding of the nature of science and scientific inquiry. These photos are from the first of two experiments exploring the scientific method and the control of variables. The following is from the final report (minus images/graphs):

The purpose of this experiment was to see if there was a relationship between the height of a student and the distance they were able to jump. Our teacher thought that since professional basketball and volleyball players tend to be tall, and they do a lot of jumping, it must be true that taller people can jump farther.

We tested our teacher’s prediction by following these steps:
1. We measured students’ heights (to the nearest half centimeter) using two meter sticks taped end-to-end vertically on a classroom wall. Each student recorded the heights of their classmates on a data sheet. (See Table 1 and Photos 1-3.)
2. Students each completed three standing broad jumps, without practice, and each jump was recorded on the data sheet, rounded to the near half centimeter. The best of the three jumps was later graphed, along with the student’s height (see Graph 1).
3. The distance of each jump was measured from a tape line (against which students aligned their toes) to the back heel of the foot closest to the tape line (or the body part which landed closest to the tape line, be it a hand or a buttocks). Note Photos 4-6.

The results of this experiment can be found in Graph 1. Students’ heights were graphed along with their best jump.
If our teacher’s prediction were correct, we would expect the graph to slope upward from left to right, indicating that taller students were jumping farther. If shorter students were jumping farther, then we’d expect the opposite. If there were no relationship between a student’s height and the distance they jumped, then we’d expect a scatter of data points without pattern.

As you can see in Graph 1, our results show no clear relationship between a student’s height and the distance jumped. Our teacher’s prediction, sadly, was not proven by this experiment.

We discovered that this experiment had many flaws, including:

= The clothing that students wore during the experiment varied widely, from sports’ shorts to long leg jeans. We believe that light and loose-fitting clothing may have provided an advantage.
= What students wore on their feet also varied, from socks to bare foot. Socks, in some cases, proved to be slippery, so students with bare feet may have had an advantage.
= Students varied in their level of general fitness and leg strength, which might have provided an advantage.
= Students varied in their attitude and level of interest and motivation. Interested, motivated and positive students might have had a clear advantage.
= Students varied in the technique, which has nothing to do with height.
= We did not consider a student’s weight, which may significantly affect a student’s performance.
= The kids watching their classmates jump varied in their conduct, from quiet and polite to noisy and distracting, on occasion even rude.

Thus, the experiment was a very good bad experiment. We must, in the future control all of these variables, and be sure that all students in the experiment wear the same clothes, be similarly fit, motivated and practiced. We might also require that all spectators be silent and polite. We invite you to repeat our experiment to see if you get the same results.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dive! Pt. Almadies 9.25

Dive with Sam S. off Pt. Almadies with Nautilus Dive Shop, N'Gor. Photos rendered in B&W by intent.

Rainy Season: Photos by Wendy Spivey

Friday, September 24, 2010

Teaching For Understanding: Confronting Naive Theories & Misconceptions


We are meaning-making machines: we have ideas about how the world works. It is through teaching and learning that our naive ideas are tested and revised, or should be.

Children are not blank slates: we can make no assumptions about what they know and understand. Their personal theories must be revealed, and confronted. We must make their thinking visible.

To explore these ideas (personal theories, understanding and misconceptions), students were presented with the Hole-Through-the-Earth Problem, from Rosalind Driver. It goes something like this: Imagine that I drill a hole all the way through the planet, then I drop a very heavy ball into the tunnel. What would happen to the ball?

Children in grades 2, 4, 6 and 10 were asked to share their thinking about this unfamiliar problem. The result was captured on videotape, linked below:

The videos illustrate that children have ideas about the world, the content of which is related to their age, cognitive development, and experience. At each level, we observe the limits of their understanding. In the case of the older students, we notice the tendency to repeat what the students had learned in science class, and the struggle to apply those ideas to the unfamiliar scenario (not unlike the high school senior profiled in Minds of Our Own who, following a unit on electricity and magnetism in an Honors' Physics class, was unable to light a light bulb without the specific equipment used in class, much to the chagrin of her teacher).

As so dramatically documented in Minds and A Private Universe, a child's naive theories are difficult to change. Unless we make their thinking visible, misconceptions can stay with us through adulthood, despite years of schooling.

An equally interesting and troubling question is this: what are the misconceptions that we carry throughout our lives, about ourselves and our world? And how do we respond when those personal theories, those false pictures, are challenged?

In the Pool With Kids


A new camera and a new underwater housing. What better way to become accustom with its features than just in the Club pool with the kids. The photos above were taken last week in PE and with my snorkeling class.