Sunday, August 24, 2008

Up on the rooftop

Photos (top to bottom):  south toward central Dakar (the Plateau) and Parc National Ille de la Madeleine;  west toward ISD;  north toward the lighthouse at des Mamelles;  our side street, which leads to a main north-south road, route de Quakam, ISD, and our local grocery, Casino.

We live on the third floor of a four-story apartment building, a little higher than most in the neighborhood.  There is roof access, just up the stairs, to a sliding metal canopy.  (Forget to close the canopy, and the evening showers will drain down the stairs.)

Armed with microphone and camera, I spent the morning on the roof, enjoying the morning glow, and listening to the Sufi chanting broadcast over loudspeakers from the home of a marabout and his followers gathered a couple of blocks away.  

You'll find a four-channel recording of the morning sounds -- chanting, bird song, wind -- on BOT at (Gallery 8).

From the roof, you can clearly see that we reside on a peninsula, with the sea to the south, toward the Port of Dakar, west, toward Parc National de la Madeleine, and north, toward the village of Yoff.

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