Thursday, February 5, 2009

How the World Was Made: Kinders & 6ers Collaborate in Authoring Creation Stories

The sixth grade is currently transitioning between units, moving from a 6-week study of our human ancestry and the science of paleoanthropology, to Ancient Egypt and the first civilizations.  This bridge is entitled From Eve to Egypt, Eve here referring to Mitochondrial Eve, or the first modern human, estimated to be about 150,000 years old.  This mini-unit has focused on the development of agriculture, the domestication of plants and animals, permanent settlements, and the specialization of roles in an expanding population.  I found an exceptional resource for this unit, Stories from the Stone Age, a three-part series available for streaming at GUBA.

In parallel with our move toward the earliest civilizations, we've begun a major study of creation stories, myths and mythology, to include a reading of Gilgamesh, adapted from Looklex

Students have composed their own creation stories, based upon their personal beliefs;  we've read a selection of creation stories from around the world, looking for common themes and elements;  and, of course, they've solicited the input of our Kinders.  

See Kinder for the result of this fun collaboration.

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